Featured Listings

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Now Shop D&D at 1000Markets.com

In an effort to make your shopping experiences more convenient, we have created another easily accessible way to shop more of our great handmade items.

1000 Markets is a community of marketplaces, large and small, connecting artisan merchants with people who love their products. Their markets are more than just collections of products; they are full of people and stories. They have voices and personalities. Their merchants are small, independent, artisan businesses built by people who love their craft. They make and sell unique products, based on their own vision, personality and story. Working together, these artisans create marketplace communities - gathering places where merchants can exchange ideas, and customers can browse and talk.

Their markets are large and small, broad and narrow. Some have themes, like food, crafts, or art. Others cultivate a sense of place around a region. And some exist simply because the people in them share friendship or common values. Each market fosters its own one-of-a-kind community, always unique and interesting.

Whether you're already a member of 1000 Markets, or new to online shopping quick convenient private checkouts are available. Click here to see all we have to offer through 1000Markets. com

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